There are some questions raised now that Tuktuki is under Police custody, what is there to rally about? See below from Tapan ji who has life time experience with these. The game played out by Police and administration is obvious for anyone with eye to see. It is deeply heartbreaking what they do to a little girl by ‘followers of book’ and ‘power mongers’.
From: Tapan Ghosh <>
Date: Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 2:38 AM
Subject: Re: Abducted Tuktuki Rescued by WB Police after 75 days under increa…
To: Kumar Arun <>
I am astonished seeing the naivete of the people. If Tuktuki went on her own, why she would return on her own?
She was under full control of the abductors, fully hand in glove with local police, for long 75 days. What have happened to her – is it difficult to guess? She might have been raped 50 times. More often than not, more than once a day. May be by a number of people. By this time she may be pregnant. She might have been compelled to do abortion.
Are these not enough to break her moral courage?????????? (of a 14 year old minor girl!)
Moreover, She has been repeatedly told that now no Hindu boy will marry her. She will not only be burden to her parents, but no Hindu boy will marry even her sister if she returns home. If her parents accept her, then her family will be boycotted by the Hindu society.
They also threatened her that they would murder her father and brother, and they will lift her little sister too. Tuktuki knows since her childhood how much powerful the Muslims are! Moreover, her kidnapper Babusona Gazi’s father is clerk of unchallenged dawn of the area named Salim. Also Tuktuki saw the dozens and dozens of fire arms (illegal) in their possession during her detention period. Hence, Tuktuki thinks that the threatenings are real.
I have dealt at least 50 cases like this. In this situation the little immature girl thinks, “My life has already been ruined. Now I should not be responsible for ruining my entire family. Let my parents live in peace. I should not be problem for the future life of my brother, sister and other relatives. FOR ALL THESE, I SHOULD SACRIFICE MY LIFE & FUTURE.”
So, the girl surrenders to the tremendous pressure of the culprits and police. Don’t you think it is possible?
Hence, what we have to do? Plz remember the fact – the abducted girl doesn’t know me or Hindu Samhati. The hapless girl doesn’t know that her father is now getting help from some powerful people or organisation after her abduction. She knows – Babusona-s and Salim-s are extremely powerful and her parents are very poor illiterate weak.
In this position, the girl obeys all instructions given to her by the abductors and the culprit police. Hence she gives statement in the court of law as per their wish. AND YOU PEOPLE START SHOUTING – OH! I SAID SO BEFORE! THAT THE GIRL HAS ELOPED WITH THE MUSLIM BOY.
I fought and fighting dozens & dozens of case like this. I am not upset. I am not frustrated. I am very much accustomed with all these. I fight till last. I will fight till last in this Tuktuki’s case too.
I can only request you to try to know the ground realities and try to understand the difficult condition of the Hindus living in a Muslim majority area. And then deliver your judgement.
Here is one person wrote on Facebook where things go:
From: Souptik Mukherjee <>
Date: 2015-07-21 1:24 GMT-04:00
Subject: Tuktuki furture as MP candidate for 2014 – Abhijit Das or Bobby Das sees it
To: Narayana Sd <>
সত্যি বলতে কি, টুকটুকির ঘটনা আমার কাছে খুব একটা আশ্চর্যজনক নয়, কারন এই ঘটনা প্রায়ই ঘটছে দঃ ২৪ পরগনায়। সেগুলি নিউজে আসেনা। আমার কাছেই প্রতিমাসে ৬-৭ টা এই ধরনের ঘটনা আসে। তাই এইসব দেখে ও লড়াই করতে করতে আমি ক্লান্ত।
কারন আমি জানি এরপর কি হবে।কালের গতিতে টুকটুকি কাহিনি ,আর সব মেয়েগুলির মতই্ ,চাপা পরে যাবে। তার ঠাই হবে হোমে. হোমে গিয়ে বাবুসোনা গাজির লোকজন ঘুষ দিয়ে টুকটুকির সাথে দেখা করবে ,আর তারপর ১৮ বছর হলেই , চলে যাবে মোল্লাদের ঘরেই ,কারন এইকদিনেই সে পেয়েছে শারীরিক সুখ একি সাথে তাকে গ্রাস করবে এই আতঙ্ক” আমাকে কোন হিন্দু ছেলেরা তো বিয়ে করবেনা । তার থেকে ভাগ্য যেখানে নিয়ে যাচ্ছে সেখানেই যাই ।” তার বাবা- মায়ের কিছুই করার থাকবে না। আর তখন অনেকের কাছেই টুকটুকি কাহিনী মনে হবে LOST GAME !
In fact, I am not amazed by Tuktuki events, because these events often occur in South 24 Paraganas . Media do not cover them. These events come to me each month 6-7 atleast. So seeing these things often, I am tired of fighting.
Because I know what will happen next, like all stories it will be buried later. She will get her place in the correctional home and Babusona Ghazi’s men will bribe the gaurds to visit Tuktuki. And then when she is 18 years, she would leave to settle with Babusona Ghazi, because her rapist would present himself as her lover and she would have at the back of her mind that no Hindu boy will marry me. So if Its where the fate is leading me then let’s go there. Her dad and mom will stand helpless then. And for many people Tuktuki story will feel like LOST GAME!
Tuktuki case has made progress because people across the world rallied together for a single daughter. The situation in West Bengal is so severely grim, there are issues to rally about in every aspect. We are facing a very dangerous situation, a question of survival of millions.